Critical Reflection

 Module Learning: 

The goals I set for myself at the start of this module back in January were to gain a wider perspective on matters around us and to improve my public speaking skills. After 13 weeks, as I am finishing up my final assignment for UCS, I feel that through this course, I have successfully reached my goals. Firstly, I have gained a much broader outlook through the supplemental topics that each group has had to research from the start of this course. From the summary reader response where each focus group was assigned to a certain topic, to the technical report where groups had more freedom to choose our topic, we had to be critical in the way we analyse and think about matters. We should try to dig deeper into the crux of the matter. Always asking ourselves why and trying to view the situation from a bird's eye view. These assignments have made me a better-rounded person when it comes to matters of varying domains. Instead of just taking information at face value, critical thinking enables us to pose inquiries, challenge presumptions and reach decisions based on facts and logic. This approach can result in a more in-depth comprehension of a subject and provide us with an informed and nuanced viewpoint.

The next goal I set out for myself was to see an improvement in public speaking. Communication consists of verbal and nonverbal aspects. By being allowed to speak in front of the class when reading out instructional units, we are exposed to many opportunities to speak. In addition to being exposed to such experiences, the instructional units helped in providing us with different methodologies in public speaking via Youtube videos that were suggested. One such example is the Garr Reynolds Presentation Tips. In terms of putting my ideas and thoughts into words, I can effectively communicate them to the reader, in this case, Prof Brad.  

I feel that this module was thought in such a different manner than we, as students in Singapore are used to. A lot of revisions and mistakes are encouraged and through these mistakes is where we learn best. Throughout my schooling years, I have been writing reports and assignments. I am confident that the contents that I have learnt from this module will stick with me throughout my university life and my career, as these skills are invaluable

Project Learning:

A part of the project that I was involved in was the formatting of the report and the section on Limitations. To fully understand the limitations of our technology, I had to idealise this from a different point of view. Obviously, as a member of a team trying to pitch our idea to a shareholder, we had to be pursuant to the benefits. However, it is also of paramount importance to understand the perspective of the user and the shareholder. To aid us in this, my group had to constantly ask ourselves the 3 important questions. Is it desirable? Is it feasible? Is it viable? 

In addition to this, my presentation skills have improved tremendously, in my opinion. Minor details that we may not have paid attention to in the past were pointed out to us and these small tweaks in our body language, posture and delivery method played a huge part in preparing for our presentation. I feel that I have become much more confident through this process, which was actually part of my goals for this course. 

 After this project, I feel that my level of producing assignments has stepped up a notch. The level of detail which we are encouraged to reach is extremely high. This made me understand the right way reports are supposed to be done. We have learnt many new conventions such as APA citation, executive summary, letter of transmittal and many other professional terms in writing that are totally new to me.


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