The Importance of Communication Skills

 Quote: “Employers identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have, asserting that the ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance.”

Sherwyn Morreale, Michael Osborn & Judy Pearson,

Professors of Communication (2000)

There is no doubt that communication is an essential part of life. Everyone can communicate either verbally, or non-verbally. However, what makes communication effective is how well others can comprehend the message a person is trying to send. In my opinion, communication skills are just as important as technical knowledge.

As future engineers, we will be expected to work with people from different parts of the organizational hierarchy. From technicians and supervisors to managers and designers. To allow others who may not have the equivalent technical competence, it is vital that engineers are able to speak coherently. 


  1. Haresh gave a great explanation on what the given quote meant, and also gave his own opinion about how he feels on what communication means to him.
    He provided examples to further prove his point of view about communication which I totally agree with as well.

    1. Thank you Justin. Glad to see that we see eye to eye on the importance of communication.


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